Guided by Marian Hafenstein, Gabriel Garcia, and Hernan Nuñez, assisted by experienced members of The BGE.
Local Coordinator: Friederike Hafenstein.
Alexander Technique: George Porter
This 11 day Performance Project offers an opportunity to rehearse current and new BGE Repertoire during the first half of the project and tour the area during the second half, several performances in churches & cultural centres are planned (to be announced closer to the Project).
Sievershausen is a small village in the state of Niedersachsen, 30 km from Hannover airport.
Arrivals: August, Wednesday 20th morning-noon.
Departures: August, Sunday 31st, morning-noon.
This Project is open to those who have:
1. attended at least one GC, GEE and/or GCE – BGE Course-Project
2. worked with and applied the principles presented.
3. their application letter accepted.
Participants will have access to a Prep Page online, where the current and new Repertoire will be posted, and new pieces can be presented.
If you wish to attend please confirm asap in order to reserve your place.
To apply for this Project please email your application letter focusing on the following questions:
1 – Who are you?
2 – Why do you wish to attend?
3 – What is your Aim?
If accepted to attend you’ll receive detailed info about exact location, transportation, what you need to bring, and other practicalities.
The project is residential, accommodation and meals will be provided.
Shorter stays-visits are acceptable.
For inquiries, further info and Application Letters, please contact contact@guitarensembleofeurope