Completed courses
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The Guitar Orchestra of Latin America III – GOLA III

Thursday, April 18th, 2019 to Sunday, April 28th, 2019 · La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Directed by Horacio Pozzo & Hernan Nunez. Assisted by experienced LG members. Local Coordination: Horacio Sairafi and Guitar Ensemble Of La Plata. Ignacio Gracian (certified AT Instructor) will present the Alexander Technique. Chris Doering will be supporting us as Mentor-Advisor.

The Guitar Ensemble · Beginners Course (Introduction To Guitar Ensemble)

Friday, February 8th, 2019 to Wednesday, February 13th, 2019 · EC Freizeithaus, Woltersdorf, Brandenburg, Germany
Directed by Hernan Nunez & Horace Pozzo. Assisted by Marian Hafenstein and experienced members of the Berlin Guitar Ensemble. George Porter (certified AT teacher) will present the Alexander Technique. Local Coordinators: Friederike Beins and George Porter.

Día de Práctica Abierto – The Guitar Ensamble of Argentina

Sunday, December 9th, 2018 · 10:00-18:00 · Colegiales, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Este Día de Práctica Abierto en el Ensamble de Guitarras está abierto a participantes con o sin experiencia en la guitarra, desde principiantes hasta profesionales. Presentaremos la Afinación Guitar Craft y algunas de las técnicas y repertorio del Ensamble de Guitarras.
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