Completed courses
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Introducción al Ensamble de Guitarras – Open Practice Day

Saturday, November 17th, 2018 to Saturday, November 17th, 2018 · 10:00-18:00 · Colegiales, Buenos Aires, Argentina

En el marco del fin de semana preparatorio para GOLA III (Guitar Orchestra of Latin America), ofreceremos un día de “Introducción al Ensamble de Guitarras”, abierto a participantes con o sin experiencia en el instrumento, desde principiantes hasta profesionales.

Horacio …

Berlin Guitar Ensemble and a-un · Writing & Recording Project

Friday, May 18th, 2018 to Monday, May 21st, 2018 · BGEHQ, Pankow, Berlin, Germany
Directed by Hernán Nuñez, assisted by Marian Hafenstein. Alexander Technique: George Porter. Local Coordination: Friederike Beins & George Porter. a-un: Sr.Munro (electronic devices and treatments – basic tracks) & Kiyoshi (percussion).
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